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AR^de jae fl eLQ iaGiA IWg Ue

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KUK, cA 23 (IWg WU Kc)bahZe KcKf K AfKUKf AR^de jaK fl eLQ af Kj icae \^ NhZ ia beZd iaGiA(^@\f) \\g gY _ele icM IWge Ue jA[a KUK cKZ^Me WGb fe QZ @dh^ cj

""ic\d _P gje Pe gj @Y@g ^e eLQ'' ""i[c]e MYZe 97, _\[ am^e 97, eid^ am^e 95, KUee 99 Ga AeRe 90 ejQ'' af IWg WU KcK GK Z ilZKee @dh^ KjQ

Cameras and Optics

Gj c]a QZu KZZe KjY @e jA[f ba^ge Rbdi fe \gc gYe Gj fe _el \A gZKW 94.2 bM ^e eLae ibM jif Ke[f ^Lk beZ iA^ @f@We icM \ge 36Zc i^ _A[f

KUK iWG @Pke ej[a @dh^u a_ agRZ cj ac^ KfKZe GK NeA @[ fMYKe ii gd `A^^e @]Ke ba K~eZ I c' _ cj i_ MjY _eaee bA bCYu c]e @dh^ aW bCY RYK ac^ fe _XQ

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\^K cZ Q@e iZ N _egc Ke[f i`kZ _Qe Kje @a\^ ejQ af GK _ge Cee _[c VKe, \Zde _eae Ga ZZde gY glK af i KjQ

Zue _d i^ ^dK jf jZK eg^ Ga ^dK eY cLR KKU LkK bf _@ Ga Lk c] GjQW Pi I aWc^ Zu _d _ie Lkc]e @^Zc

VKec^u bZe j^c^u iaM _R Zu _QK ^ij Ga MYgu ieY Ke af Kj @dh^

IWg WU Kc      

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