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IWgK UUe C_le _ai IW@u C\aM

IWg WU Kc i\\Z

ba^ge, i_ִe 6(IWg WU Kc) \N ah ]e \ge _cL K^ UU f (U) IWge LYR Ck^ Ke `A\ _C[a ak Gj eRe C^Z \Me @agK _\l_ ^A^[ae ag _ai IW@c^ C\aM _Kg KeQ

\ge @^^ eR Zk^e IWg UUe \KY Z[ a^~M ZfKe KZ _Qe @Q i iKZ Zk^ZK PZ ij GK _Z fL _VAQ ~qe @ceKe @eR^ d^beiUe _`ie P aek Ga IW@ iiAU @` @ceKe C_ib_Z ]e Ke

ic^ _ZU UUe @l eZ^ UU, _ePk^ ^gK a. c[ecY Ga C__ePk^ ^gK(f) U.cLRu ^KUK fL _VAQ I Gje ^Kf IWge cLc ^a^ _^dKu _LK _VAQ

ic^ fLQ, UU aMZ GK gZe C icd ]e IWge LY fR ^A LYR Ck^ Ke @iQ K @\a] eRe @[^ZK Ga icRK C^d^ lZe K^e agh @a\^ ^j

LYR i\ ~ @ie ^j Zj IWg ai j\dwc KfY _Z[e ^Z^ LY fR ^a icde UU IWg ieKeu ab^ fb^d _ZgZ \CQ Ga Zj _e LY fR _Aa _e bf ~CQ

Gje iaVe aW C\jeY M_k_eVe _aZ AZ KeL^ 1995e G iKe c[ecY \dZ ^A[a ak 1997 I 1998e Z^U LY fR _A~a _e _a gZkbeK PfMf

^KUe UU IWge C^d^ \Me KZU Kce jZ \aK NhY Ke[ae Zj @ag MZ~M iMWK ce @Q: ]ceVe ae I ekfA^ ^cY, M_k_ee R.G^. UU GRKi^f ie _Z, 1000 A^deu ^A UiGi Ki _Z, A@I^ jUf _Z AZ\

Za Zk^ZK ba \ge @^^ eR MWK _Z K^e ~C @a\^ ejQ Zj \L IWgai @_c^Z a] KeQ K^ cAe UU A^PU @` `cf eiy (U@AG`@e), UU A^PU @` ii@f
iA^i(U@AGiGi) Ga UU cce@f K^e ji_Uf _Z KeQ

KfKZe K^ 92 KU Uu a^cde cA bk GK K^e ji_Uf _Z KeQ

Rci\_ee ahK 25 KU Uu Lye 740 g~ ag UU c^ ji_Uf PfQ 2000-2001e K^ ab^ icRK KfY K~ _A 120 KU Uu Ly KeQ

SWLe _Z a_Gf _eaee RY i\iu cWKf Ly aj^ KeaK ieKe Ke[a 120 KU Uue GK ~R^e K^ 50% aj^ KeaK @M 2005e iZ RYAQ _ea 30 ah _A ahK 25 KU Uu
\aK K^ eR jAQ

ee 150 KU Uu ade GK Ui KK _Z _A K^ iZ RYAQ

Zk^ZK ba IWg _Z K^e @a\^ jf, ~[: aWaf Ga ~We i PK ia], iKe 30 g~ ag GK WqeL^, af_jWe 25 g~ ag WqeL^ @bq

ab^ icde ef` @Kee \@~A[a _ecY ce @Q: 2000e Ne Z@e _A 5KU Uu, 1999e ReeKk^ ef` _A 1.6 KU Uu, 1999e 1.15 KU Uue Kk,1991 I 1996e Ne Z@e _A GK KU Uu

Gja\ K^ A^PU @` c[cUKi @ @_Ki^ ie _A 5 KU Uu \AQ C_eq Z[ K^e IWg iKZ Ia _Re \@~AQ

1911e UU K^ cdeb eR ecP b\Iu Ve LY fR ^aVe ia\ Kc \ce GVe LYR Kd Ke @iQ

@RZd aRee ~C icde fj_[e \e 5MY a _AQ ij icde eR ieKe Gje fR \e cZ 3 Uu (24Uu 50 _Aie 27 Uu 50 _Ai)K a KeQ

Rci\_ee KeL^ _A @agK fj_[e ~MW _A KC Kke K^ IWg C_e ^be Ke @iQ IWge ~W @ke K^ 1925e LY fR ^A[a ak 1953 _ae iKe LY fR ^AQ 1958e
K^ ~We GK `e @fdR _ c KeQ

@^_le IWge agh KYi ij~ _C^[a KZK gM a^~M _A @MA @iQ @^f @MIfu a\ K^ 15 jRe KU Uue a\ aga\kd _Z _A Pqa jAQ

50 jRe KU Uu a^cde IWge 12 jRe cMIUe Z_R a\Z _K _A @^f @^ K[ \AQ Gja\ a\Z _ea^ _A 10 jRe KU Ga ba^gee GK jf[iU _A 500 KU Uu K^ Ly
Kea 1000 KU Uu Lye GK @AU gl K _A c ^ ^@~AQ

UU _Z Kak IWgai KjK _ai IW@ue c ~[ i^ a] ejQ af aek Ga Ke RYAQ K @^^ eR MWK ij [a iKK c^ _KA IWg ij iKe _^icl iKg K^ P Kea CPZ af ic^ cZ \AQ

@ZZe IWge K^ ~[ KQ ^A ie[ae Ga Zj a\ke C^d^ \Me @Mj _Kg Kea CPZ K^ bahZe ^cfLZ _a C_e aPe Kea _A _ai IW@ \d @^e] KeQ,

K^ KSee iaVe @]K LY fR ^A[ae iVe GK cWKf, ^i KfR Ga ji_Uf _Z Kea CPZ Rfe _fc^u _A KfRe 50 _ZgZ @i^ ielZ eja \eKe

M_k_ee K^ _Z Ke[a A^PU bk eRe ab^ gke 10U A^PU _Z Ke

ba^gee UiGi Ki bk eCeKf Ga aj_ee c 500 A^deu _A Ki ja CPZ

L-afwe K ZkPe-ackMW ek fA^ _Z K^e @a\^ ejf ekaA K_l ZjK _[cKZ \A ^cY K~ gh Ke

A^PU @` c[ @ @_Ki^ ieK awfee @A@AGii bk C^Z Ke~a @agK

K^ LY I KeL^ _A ai_Z _Z _eaee gg c^u ciK Ui^ Ly 300 Uu Ga K_W Z[ aj _A ahK 2000 Uu K^ \f ic^ C^Z c^e a\kde _Xae i~M _A_e

M_k_ee K^ @]MjY Ke[a RcK eR fb lZe _eYZ Ke~C ^PZ ZjK _^ae AWKK `eA \@~C

SWLe a_Gf _eaeu i ia \Me K^ Ly Ke[a ic^ _ecYe @[ IWge _Q@ aM gYe fKu _A Ly Kea @agK

K^e @l eZ^ UUu a]ae IWg M @aiee IWg aiu ba^K i^ \A _ai IW@u Gj \a _Z aPe Kea af _Ze @g _Kg Ke~AQ




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Publisher and owner Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik
IWg WU Kce NhY^c