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R^de 9,2007 cwkae
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Xu^ke Gaa PW jA^j bUe ZfK

IWg WU Kc: ae iV

Xu^k, R^@e 9(IWg WU Kc) IWge Zed _dZ ^aP^ c C_e [a ak Xu^k Rfe @^K i^e @\a] bUe ZfK ig]^ K~ gh jA^j

Rfe 8U aK ce 4U aKe G _~ ig]Z bUe ZfK _Z jA_e ^[ae ab^ eR^ZK \k GjK icfP^ KeQ

Rf _dZ K~kd, aieKe ii (WU_ @_eUe) Ga Rf _gi^ ce ic^de @ba ~M G_e _eiZ jA[a i^d fKc^ @b~M KeQ

aj _ae Rfe 199U Mc _dZe 2801U a[e bUe ZfK _Z KeaK aieKe ii c^u \dZ \@~A[f af Rf _dZ K~kde RY @]Ke IWg WU KcK KjQ

KZ @_eUeu ~M Gj K~ akZ jA[a ak @^ KZK i^e ig]^e ak NU[a i KjQ

Za Kcl^Me, KuWjW Ga _eRw aKe Gj K~ ~[ icde gh jA[a ak @^ aK MWKe ak jAQ Rf_ku jl_ _e i\e aK, M\@ Ga IW_W aKe Ga Gj K~ ~Kk^ be @MA PfQ

@_e_le bUe ZfK _Z gh jA^[ae ab^ eR^ZK \ke ^aP^ Kgk _Z Ga ab^ a[ _A Kcu _Z Keae c ici \L\A[a RY i^d ^Z _Kg KeQ

M\@ aKe bUe ZfKP ^A R^i]eYu ce @ih \L\AQ Gj ZfK _Ze AQKZ ak Ke~A[a Ga ijek Ga Mck ZfKe @^K ZU [a @b~M jAQ

bUe ZfKK ZU aj^ KeaK Rf_k Rcf @j\ L^ N]K Kk _ie icd KUaK a jAQ

@i 9 ZeLe c^^d^ _Z \Lf _ae ic bUe ZfK ^Z _Z jA~a af Rf_k L^ IWg WU KcK KjQ





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Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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