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R^de 20,2007 g^ae
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RMZij_ee aKKe PXC: aj KMR_Z RaZ

IWg WU Kc : @ce^[ _eW

RMZij_e,R^de 20(IWg WU Kc ) IWge RMZij_e Rfe ab^ \K^ C_e g^ae aKKe @]Kec^ PXC Ke aKKe `u[a aaidu Ve _d \X KUe C cfe KMR_Z RaZ Ke[a RY @]Ke KjQ

aKKe @]Ke aY]e ^dKu ^ZZe GK \k ijee [a \ ML\ be I eKY cUe de _Ui \K^e PXC Ke Gj KMR_Z RaZ KeQ

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@]Ke c^u RYZe _e\_, KRw, Zk I RMZij_ee aW aaid Pf[a ak ic^u C_e PXC Ke~A ^j af ic^ @b~M KeQ




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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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