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b\K: Uu fU NUYe cL @b~q Me` : Rkba ~M bUcU QWa _A @\aiu _Z : Ka^ _W,e @ae] _e ^kMee CR^  : beZd R^Z _Ue eR KcK NhZ : cu c[ iZ_V \Lf ccf LeR : ae \` \a ^A b^lcu @^g^  : Me` cjk cIa\K KU PfY : IW@ ~au _Z _Zu Lae ^_A ^eg : cKU KKe @MK, 5 @jZ : MZ ah Zk^e aRWK Kc aK @l @i^ : \QKe ^a^ (ZZd ^d^) : aK @l jae ]^ _[u jUK : ~R_e: aK @l ^aP^e aRWK i`kZ : aK @l _\aK ^A MMk 23 @jZ : c^ UK \NUY: cZ iL \gK a : c^ UK \NUYe cZ iL ^@K a : c^UK IfU Q@ cZ, Zege C @jZ : @c ehA Ne "bRUaf Kaa' : _gi^e @ajk ~M ieKe ~R^ a`k : @ke C^Z _A R.K. __e cfe @b^a C\c : Kkw^Me ee ~a _A Gaa bd : a]dKu S@K _ele Z ia] : 6 ^Kf _el[ Va, 13 `ee : _el Ke gAae glK ^fZ : M iNh @gue Xu^ke _fi cZd^ : KAf aSA U^e @MK : _ Zfc]eu ]eY ZZd \^e : Rc aa\K ^A _aZ^ ie_, Zu _@ Me`  : M-ci PfY eKU Va, 4 Me`  : cdeb:Me` cIa\K KU PfY : _AL^ Uue _W RY cZ, RY MeZe :@fb eWf KAQu _Ve U^cUe i~M @e : 17 ~ I 89 VK\e bRf^ Rfe : Wf`^u _A NZK _f[^  : Z\e jk Ke KAca A^_Ke ^fZ : c[ iZ_V \Lf ~M cu ae]e ccf : aPZu ae]e KMie @^i ^Ui : Zcf^We 59RY IW@ gcK Ce : EY QW ^jae cRau @ZjZ ]cK : _eag iel _A ae-@gZ[ ale aaj : _e ic\ afe i\g^u agK_   : "IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke

Sign online petition here for IIT in Orissa


cy 12,2007 icae
ZR Lae                     @c am_^\Z            `fi_          
b\K: Uu fU NUYe cL @b~q Me`
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GZjiK Kkw ~e a^ Ke~A[a \AU gkfL ^KUe _Wg \g _Ki^e @aZ jAQ


for procurement of tools & equipments, machineries, furnitures etc
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OMFED invites tenders from eligible contractors/suppliers for various works in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Khurda
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Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa Invites application for Formation of Human Data Bank in the field of Technical Education
for details
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Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa,
Counseling for streamlining the process of establishment of  New  ITCs to be held from 5.2.2007 to 10.2.2007 at the auditorium of BPFTIO,BOSE Campus,Cuttack
 for details
Click here

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"PA gA[a ~G ZK CVAa KG' (PV_Z)
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"IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : @gK Kce _YMj, _Mc GKRKUb, ^@\f, _g Kce i^_Z, i`Ide AR^de, _eU ici K_ei^, UKi, ~qe @ceK,


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner:
Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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