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@\aiu _baZ KeaK "UU'e C\c
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 invites sealed tenders from manufacturing companies to supply various items for works in different areas of the district for 2007-08.for details

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for procurement of tools & equipments, machineries, furnitures etc
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Delhi /NCR





Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa Invites application for Formation of Human Data Bank in the field of Technical Education
for details
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Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa,
Counseling for streamlining the process of establishment of  New  ITCs to be held from 5.2.2007 to 10.2.2007 at the auditorium of BPFTIO,BOSE Campus,Cuttack
 for details
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PZu^ _Z~MZe bM ^@, _ee RZ
PZu^e EP eL[a IW@ QZQZu _ijZ Kea _A IWg WU Kc a]ae, 10 R^de 2007e GK Z _ @e KeQ Gj _e _Z\^ Pd^ Ke~A[a \AU PZ _KgZ ja
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IWge KUK ijeiZ gZ _eY Meacd eb^ aga\kde ^Z^ Kk_Z \a\i QUedu ^~q icde KfRe C^Z _ \L[a aRa c^ Ga ^eg jAQ
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Rkba ~M bUcU QWa _A @\aiu _Z
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Kkw ~ CfLZ gkfL _Ki^e @aZ
GZjiK Kkw ~e a^ Ke~A[a \AU gkfL ^KUe _Wg \g _Ki^e @aZ jAQ

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"IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : @gK Kce _YMj, _Mc GKRKUb, ^@\f, _g Kce i^_Z, i`Ide AR^de, _eU ici K_ei^, UKi, ~qe @ceK,


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner:
Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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