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@_f 5,2007 Meae
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 @MY bahaqu ZfKe IWge c^i

IWg WU Kc : iMc _

ba^ge, @_f 5(IWg WU Kc) _fake _ _eY Kea _A GK\ i\e ~qe @ceK ~A _AfU a^[a K_U^ c^i e^ A bMe MZPKe beZ `e@i ^RK @ZK m^, RZh g, eZg I ag RMZe Pe be ^lZ ba _ZZ Kea ij age g bahaq I eZ age\u ce i^Z jA ^R eR IWgK MaZ KeQ

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icde MZe Zue Gj AQgq ^KUe ac^K Ra^e @KhY c Zz jA[f Ga i a\ge Pf @i[f ^R R^cU IWgK

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19 cy 2006e _]^c c^cj^ iju jZe @_Pe, aR_ ^Z _c\ cjR^u cZ Ga IWg ccke c (_\_ ^dK)u a\d ^A i Ke[a bah aY iZ jA[f

ijbk 22 @Kae 2006e P^ ij beZe \_lK iK a, ijah ^be gh ije \fe Ww Re ji, 2007e gfu ieKe-GfUUA ~ Za, \lY-_c beZe Zk g lZe @MK, @b^Z id \u \ ji, `a@e e Kkw^Me e @ae] jUa ^A i Ke[a bahaY iZ jA[f

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ijbk MReUe eRKUe @^Z beZ-gfu GK\aid cPe Ke[a bahaY c iZ jA[f @M 2002 e G_f 2003 ce ^a^ _^dKu _A i jA[a eR^ZK @ieZ iKe c i bahaY Ke[f

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^R RZK ahde RYa _A ab^ _Ke RYaK P Kea ak @^c^u RZK _V c Ke_ef''

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ij_e KkPKe ^eZ MZ_[e ~A i @R _AfU a QW RZh a @\e[a KjQ

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ZY _[a _e \ee @aiZ Mj ^lZe MY^e bahZ aYe iVKZ C_e _gaPe ic^ ia^ ^j

"IWge aLZ RZa\ ic PgLe ^R cZe 13 \^ _ae Gj RY_e[f a.b. ecY ^cK RZh jUfeu @ZjZ Ga MRu jZ ahK _ae _a^c^ Ke_e[f

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RZh gK agi Ke^[a fKu c^ba _A i KQ @glZ I b aqu \d KeQ RZh I ag ^ce KQ ZK Z[ jbh aq "K _gP' _Ze aqe @ZZ VK ba Kj _baZ Kea _e ab^ C_de @[ @\d Ke[a i KjQ

RZh g I eZg C_e Zue \AMU _K _KgZ jA ie[a ak ag C_e c GK _K _Kg^ ^c _Z Pf[a i KjQ

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Za gga @aie _ZK Mc ~R_ee ecaM I _eVe \AU WqeL^ Ga GK @gc \e @ajkZ fKc^ue ia bk cjZ Cg i eLQ

~M~M Keae VKY : `^ ^-91-674-2313356


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Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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