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25 `ade icae 2008
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a^k ijdZe c^cj^u _Ze@e : Leak

IWg WU Kc: jc eCZ

afge, `ade 25 (IWg WU Kc) IWge eR c c^cj^ icf eRe a^k _A [a ijdZ egK a^e _baZ jA^[a @kK \C[a afge ii\ Z[ aR_ ^Z Leak A icae MYcc iLe @b~M KeQ

"KcMZ PeU a^e _baZ jA[a Rkge bk @kK VK ba \ \@~A^[a ak ic^ lZM afge c^i_fUK 2.5 KU Ga ie G^GiK 25 fl Uu eNU cecZ iKg cRe KeQ ~jK i @~R^K' Leak @b~M KeQ

G_eK @ke eNU _A Gj Uu Ly jC[a ak lZM f MWK \@~C ^[a i KjQ ijdZ a^e _Ze@e _Qe f _\^e ia^K @Ke Ke~A ^_e af afge c^i_fU @l Kj[a Leak iP^ \AQ @ag c^cj^u Leak f _\^ ij i]ikL @l_ Ke^j

"c K c \ke Rf ib_Z c^i_fU I G^GiK ijdZ eg \aK i_ei Ke^j G_eK ib_Z, ~ K Rkge a]dK @^K [e cZ KjQ eR c a^ \e a_K lZM Zu @kK ijdZ \C^j' ii\ KjQ

Zu @b~M ~ c^cj^ \kd ^Zu @]^e [a @k @_l @Y-aR_ ^Zu @kK @]K ^ \CQ

"G_eK i aee a^e _baZ ^R Rf b\K _Z agh \ \C^j i cRe Ke[a a^ ijdZ ghe afge Rfe c aee Ly ja'

"\kd ee _Z\ߦ [a c^cj^u bk _\l_ Kak fKu @[K bf ee Ly KeQ Gj @[e ~C e Z@e jCQ Zj MUG ah _e @C ^[a' KjQ Leak Gj Kc iKg Kak c^i_fUe VK\e c^ Ue be _ea af KW ^g^c ejQ, ~jK aidKe

iP^~M, Cbd Leak Ga c^cj^ aR_e RZd K~Ke KcUe i\i @Q Gjij Leak ii\e aR_e P` jA_ Ga Z_e I _cawe \ke \dZe c ejQ



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Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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