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afae _ IWge aR_e eRib _[ : ejfu caK aR_ I i_Gce icfP^ : Xu^k : _eZq K^ bY KKeu @je : ife _Ie _ _A efG^e ^ : IWge aKAU I cw^Re i^ : aRU @]ag^e \Zd _~de jMk : aje _`U cj\u `UK ^A cKc : bZeK^Ke ai eM, iji]K Qk cZ : WK ~M cka c' geku bM : jAKU a i_^ \ae @ceY @^g^  : aj_e : I _le i@A @`i iLe ]eY : \e\ _A eR ieKe \d : ejk : IWg ieKeu ejfu Za icfP^ : _K^e [a IW@ au _eae C\aM : _c IWg ae a_K jiK : aiPZu lZ_eY ck^[ae ejfu lb : cjk cIa\e @Zic_Y : a^K Zjif aee \^Z @b~M : eaae aeMWe aRWe Ph icag : QZQZu ij ejfu cj bR^ : eaae aj_ee KMi I aR_e icag : ^@_W: aGi_e agk icag : eR^Ze ~aMu i_le ejf : ^LR RjRe i^ _A ZKe C\c : ~R_e: ejfu M _ae cIa\ Zfi @b~^ : Kkj ij c _eaee Mbe iK : ejf : KaK _A @]K \ @agK : ejf : Me` Z^ KMi ^Z Rfe : cfK^Me: Pe cIa\ Me`  : K ieKe C\M iPau i^ : ejf Mu Pe\^@ IWg M @e : Rfe \NUY : RY cZ, @V @jZ : ga_Ve cj\_ \LaK bqc^ eZ CRMe : @kue \K^e fU C\c, 3 Me` : b^-UKe ]K: 3 cZ, 15 @jZ : ce \_ ^@e cjk bqu cZ : cU Zk _eZ^ Ke bMagh Ce : EhKf cjYe KAQu icj @\^ @e : QZ MY]hY ccfe cL @b~q Me` : cwkae \Lf ja _ ib e_U : 2008-09e ~R^ @UKk 7500 KU : ahq _Y \A 9U QkK jZ : Me` ~aZ PfY \ffe Rc^ ^ce : ccK gl _eh\ ~q \A _el @e : @]Z \ac Pe, fKu @ih : _fi-cIa\ Mk a^cd : ba^ge-e "Mea e[' 10e : Kck \we Z\ @e : P\ecu EYQW Phu ijdK ^j : cZcZ : ia]K e^ _A ^fKK Mf^ U` : @jZ gcKu cZ, GiGcie @k^ : @b~qK \ \ae ` NeC : cfK^Me: 6U aek _l Ce : Gi@eAe 6U Rf icf _A ^a^u \a : Z\ \ae Rf_ku aiba^ NeC : MBe bf PK, lZ_eY \a : aRUe IWgK @ajk : ^a^ : eRe 9U R^ibe ~M\a ejf : K aRU C_e IWge cg _ZKd : eR]^e cjk Kcg^u "@_ei^ _K': cIa\u ce(PV_Z) : IWg WU Kc _ea^ @Y_eQ (PV_Z)

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'The Manthan Award' India's best e-content for developement' 2007

 @c am_^\Z                eg`k                    `fi_  
ZR Lae


afae _ IWge aR_e eRib _[
ejfu caK aR_ I i_Gce icfP^
Xu^k : _eZq K^ bY KKeu @je
ife _Ie _ _A efG^e ^
IWge aKAU I cw^Re i^
RIfRKf ib @` A@ (RGi@A) _le ^KUe jA[a GK ibe IWge aKAU Ga cw^R MzZ [a ^Z^ i^ PjU Ke~AQ af K LY ec iaec eW ii\e cwkae iP^ \AQ
aRU @]ag^e \Zd _~de jMk
aje _`U cj\u `UK ^A cKc
Gj _KUK ea _i\ _ ^cK RY @aie_ ieKe @]Ke fL[a ak GjK KUKe "a\_e' _Kg^ ii _Kg KeQ
bZeK^Ke ai eM, iji]K Qk cZ
WK ~M cka c' geku bM
RMZij_e Rfe _i c' gek cee C^Z _A Rf _gi^ @^K _\l_ ^A[a ak Ga \ge ~KYi i^e bq, _~UK c^ WK ~M c'u `U Ga bM _Aae aai jAQ
jAKU a i_^ \ae @ceY @^g^
aj_e : I _le i@A @`i iLe ]eY
\e\ _A eR ieKe \d : ejk
IWg ieKeu ejfu Za icfP^
_K^e [a IW@ au _eae C\aM
^KUe \N 35 ah _e _K^ Rfe _Rae Kge i ^cK a \g `e fje Rfe M_k \i ^cK IW@ aq fje Rfe [a _Kg Ke[ae IWge KUK Rfe [a \iu _eaeaM Zu cq ^A @]K @ga\ jA G \Me Ze @agK _\l_ ^aK ieKeu @^e] KeQ
_c IWg ae a_K jiK
aiPZu lZ_eY ck^[ae ejfu lb
aiPZ @\aiu ic^u Rc _A @agK lZ_eY ck^[ae KMi ii\ ejf M IWge if_e Rfe aceVe GK agk R^ibe C\a]^ @aiee lb _Kg KeQ
cjk cIa\e @Zic_Y
a^K Zjif aee \^Z @b~M
eaae aeMWe aRWe Ph icag
QZQZu ij ejfu cj bR^
eaae aj_ee KMi I aR_e icag
^@_W: aGi_e agk icag
eR^Ze ~aMu i_le ejf
^LR RjRe i^ _A ZKe C\c
~R_e: ejfu M _ae cIa\ Zfi @b~^
Kkj ij c _eaee Mbe iK : ejf
KaK _A @]K \ @agK : ejf
IWge @^^Z (KaK) Kkj, afwe Ga Ke_U Rf iKg @]K ieKe \e @agKZ @Q af eRK Pe \^@ Me gKae @i ii\ ejf M C\a]^ @aiee KjQ
EhKf cjYe KAQu icj @\^ @e
_d 20,000e C aek @fb eWf _RZe KAQ MZ cwkae eZe ehKf ^\- K@MW cjYe 4K.c ag akbce icj @\^ KeQ
P\ecu EYQW Phu ijdK ^j : cZcZ
K @[c _. P\ec gKae ii\e C_i_Z Ke[a i]eY aRUe KhK c^u _A _d 60 jRe KU Uue EYQW NhY Ke aRUK fK_d Kea C\c Ke[f c Gj Phc^u _A agh fb\dK ja^j af IWge RYYY Ph^Z c^ cZ \AQ

Situation wanted
Applications invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of a Office Assistant-Cum-Data Entry Operator in the office of the Executive Engineer, RWS&S-Cum- Member Secretary, DWSC Bargarh for details
Click here

Situation wanted
Applications invited from civil engineering diploma holders for engagement as JE, TSC at block levels of Bargarh District for details Click here


_ @ke cIa\ @gue KW ^e_
^dMW Rfe cIa\u Zafk _e C_Kka RMZij_e Rfe _aZ _ KeL^ @ke afK\ I Geic [^ke cIa\u C_iZe _cY ck[ae _fi _le N^N^ PXC Re @Q

@^ ZR Lae


Mb_Z _A Wqe ^eR, @aZ i^ a
^dMW Rfe K^bY jZ ccf _\K @ia _e _gi^e K~^^ bde Wqec^ Mb_Z KeaK c^ Ke[ae C_Kka Rf K_W Ga RMZij_e @ke @aZ i^ Ga @aajZ c'u iL aX Pf[a \LaK ckQ

Fisheries Department, Government of Orissa


Applications invited from experienced and qualified persons willing to work as Class-II Master and Class II Engineer, on contract basis, In the patrol Boats of the Fisheries Department, Government of Orissa.for details Click here


OMFED invites tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & trial run of various dairy equipments for Bhawanipatna Dairy.for details Click here

OMFED invites tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & trial run of various dairy equipments for Bhubaneswar Dairy.for details Click here

OMFED invites tender for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & trial run of various dairy equipments, supply & erection of Product & service pipe lines,for Central Dairy Jeypore. for details
Click here


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caAf Kce,^aP^ I \f_ Kce
caAf `^e aaje Kak K[a a GiGcGi icZ jA ej ^j MjKe Pj\ I eP cZaK Ga @^K K~ i\^ jA_eQ caAf \e
caAfe IWge ZR Lae _@ cMYe
RY aq Gj ia] _AaK 567678 ^eK AeRe
JOIN Odisha fL GK GiGcGi _VAaK _Wa ~KYi icde i _Y 'fb IWg' ciR Cq ^eK _VA LEAVE Odisha Gj ibie ^RK a\ Ke _e
PZu^ _Z~MZe bM ^@, _ee RZ
PZu^e EP eL[a IW@ QZQZu _ijZ Kea _A IWg WU Kc a]ae, 10 R^de 2007e GK Z _ @e KeQ Gj _e _Z\^ Pd^ Ke~A[a \AU PZ _KgZ ja
KAP Z@e R^he Pj\ a
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cIa\u ce(PV_Z)
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IWg WU Kc _ea^ @Y_eQ
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_ ibe @^K ^Kf _^aeR CfL!
RMZij_e Rfe gh jA[a _aZ _ K^e icRK-@[^ZK ibe K^ _le @]Ke @]K R^ic[^ jif iKg K fKu P_e iji]K c[ _^aeR CfL Ke~A[a Kj~CQ
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cjee [a IW@u _A _eaeaM PZ
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@c ehANe"_kw _KW'
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aW` - GK aKggk \g _A @^P
beZah bk aj aKggk \ge Mcke @MYZ Phc^ Ne @MYe KKW Ph Ke RaK C_R^ Ke Gbk Phe aghZ jf Lye KKW c^ue elYalY KejG I Gj _hYd aKg NUG
IWge a

"IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : eKg cj,AUb IW@ ^R, jA\a\, @_\g, ageR^ bq,G^@Ai, KfKGU, ^aew_e, IWg, W.i\^ \lZ,@l iL IWg cg^, acLf, ba^ge, _ecaj Z_V, cW@ c^Rc Uc, ^GW, Ce_\g, _bZ @e \i, ic K@W^Ue, G^G^ _RKi fcUW, MeMI,je@Y, @\Z ^edY _Zje, awfe


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Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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