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IWg WU Kce NhY^c

9 i_ִe cwkae 2008
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]ceKeY a jf g `ea: iah Pj^(ilZKe)

KcMZ bae Pf[a ]ceKeY Z[ MjZ a ^ja _~ eRe g i_^ jA_ea ^j Gj KjQ aRew \ke @^Zc ed i~RK iah Pj^

@M 23 ZeLe Kcke Rkg_U @gce KZK aK]eu \e c flY^ ieZu jZ Ga _e eRa_ i jA[a jiK _e_le i IWg WU KcK GK ilZKee KjQ

flY^u jZ _Qe K'Y KeY [A_e ?

Kck Rfe L@^ ]c~RKc^u \e Ke~C[a MjZ Ga ]ceKeY aee cR e Ck^ Ke[f 1966 cije fMZe i a^ai c^ue gl, i, eRMe Ga ]cK ie iKe P Ke[f

ic^ c] cRu ajZ bf _C[f Ga ]c _ea^ Ke^[f ZY L@^c^ Zu Ra^e ce\aK UMU Ke[f aMZ 40 ah c]e ic^ cRu ^@ [e @KcY Keie[f

MZ 2007 Wie 25 ZeLe c] ic^ cRu @KcY Ke[f Ga MZ 23 ZeLe ic^
j Zu jZ KeQ

cRu cIa\c^ jZ Ke[a _fi Kj[aak agj _eh\ Z[ @_Y KjQ ~, Gj jZK _Qe L@^c^u jZ @Q Za Gje _cY K'Y?

GK[ c Kj^j jZK _Qe RY eRib ii\u jZ [a \^K i\_Z "icR' CfL Ke[aak cRu jZ Ke[a ije _fi @UK eL[a 4 RYu c]e RY KjQ ~ G[e RY "`\e' i_q @Q

_fi ^Re \akZ Ga jZKe ^Re hW~K fPAa _A cIa\c^u C_e \h f\ \CQ

jZKK K Ke ~C i\dK \w NUf Z'K KG Ke[f G[e ag j _eh\ i_q ^[a @_Y K_e Kja ?

Zj Z [f cRu IWge R^i]eY, _ZZ i]i^ GcZK _e MR_Z \a ij \a ajZ g I i^ Ke[f

i i]eY R^c^ie _R [f Zu jZ NUYK ^A MZ 25 ZeLe jA[a "IWg a' _cY Ke\f ~ cRu ic KZ bf _C[f

Zu jZe ccjZ jA R^i]eY G_e \w NUA[f G[e agj _eh\ K aRew \k i_q ^j

IWge ]ceKeY KjK jCQ?

eRe aiai Ke[a fKc^u c]e 25 _ZgZ jCQ ^ej @\ai Ga a ic^u c]e \e\Z Ga iekZ be ejQ Gje i~M ^A L@^ ]c~RKc^ ic^u ]ceKeY KeCQ ZY IWge ]ceKeY jCQ

L@^c^ KjQ ~ ic^ Mea fKc^u ia KeQ Ga fKc^ Aze L]c MjY KeQ, G ahde @_Yu K'Y _ZKd?

fKc^u ak _aK L@^ ]ce icf Ke~CQ Kak c ^j, M I ijee R^Zc^ c] Gj KjQ ~\ L@^c^ \kZu ia KeQ Z'jf IWge GZ fK bK C_ie KjK ejQ ?

eR Z[ Kck Rfe g `eA @YaK ieKe K _\l_ ^a CPZ?

eR ieKe ~j KeQ, Zj \e Ka a g `ea^ ]ceKeY a KeMf af ~\ ieKe NhY Kea, eRe MjZ a Kea I cRu jZKeu Ze Me` Kea Z' jf eR Z[ Kck RfK g `e @ia


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

IWg WU Kce NhY^c