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9 Wie cwkae 2008
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QZ cecZ Ke _U _hQ ]^Z iMc

IWg WU Kc : g^ agk

aeMW, Wie 9 (IWg WU Kc) ^ZR iah P ahu \e @^_YZ jA \^ \ge ]^Z iMce ~M \A[a aeMW Rf _AKck aK @MZ cif Mce gL ec Keg Ga QZ cecZ Ke _U _hQ

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beZ ]^ ja _ae Keg ^ZRu @R\ j `Re ~M \A ac Ga R_^e aK ]e aUgc^u aee fXA Ke[f

R_^ aee ~ Ke i ~Zak Rf ~A[f, iVe ajea _A ^ZR Zu ij~ Ke[f

"cZ eq \@, c ]^Z \a' iah ahu Gj WKee @^_YZ jA beZe ]^Z _A fXaK i @MA ~A[f af KjQ

K _e `R e KVe ^dc c]e i ^RK PkA^_eae iVe MK `e @i _Y i^aj^e ~M \aK Az Ke[f

Za _eiZ Zu G[_A i~M \f ^j iZ, K Zu c^e Ga a \g_c be ejQ \^ aK ]e[a Gj aq RYK Ga ^R Ne aee GK QU \K^ Ke jZe QZ ]e cecZ KeQ

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Zu G_~ ]^Z iMc _^i^ c] ck^j K G[_A Zue Zk jf \L ^j K i KjVe KYi _Ke ijdZ @g Ke^j

beZ ]^Z iMce i GK @g jA[ae Keg ^R _A Ma @^ba Ke


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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