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ba^ge, cA 21 (IWg WU Kc)""@^K _ee _A[f, Za gek _ee bk GZ aW _ee _Aae ibM _ae bMe Ka RU ^[f af'' PkZ ah eRe i^R^K gek _ee _AaK c^^Z jA[a _`ie j\^ ed g^ae \^ GK Z ilZKee IWg WU KcK KjQ

^R fLZ "RY @^ba @^ba e' _K _A gek _ee ^c c^^Z ed Kj @ZRa^ C_e @]eZ GK jRe _ ag C_eq _Ke eP^ K~ 1997 cije @e Ke[f Ga GjK i_ Kea fM \N _P ah fM[f''
Cameras and Optics
1930 cij cA ci 30 ZeL \^ C_Kka RMZij_e MaZU Mce ce R^ _Z bk^[ ed Ga cZ lZcY \a

KUKe KfRGU fe k gl i_ Kea_e KUK L KfRe Kk abMe b jA[f

iVe i`kZeij C ja_e eb^i KfRe \g^ abMe ^c fLA[f \g^ ge i^e ij _i ja_e a^eg j aga\kde Cy gl @]d^ Ga WKeU Kea fM Pf~A[f

iVe \N 6 ah aZAa_e 1958 cije _Y IWgK `e @i[f I eb^ KfR \g^ abMe @]_K ba PKe Ra^e @dce Ke[f af Kj _`ie j\^

_e eRe ab^ KfRe @]_^ Kea_e PKe Ra^e gh (1988)@WK _e ic PgLe KfR (GiiGi)e @]lba \dZ ZfA [f

@aie MjY_e KUKe a ije ^R _eaeij @ai^ KeQ MUG S@ Ga Z^ _@ aWS@ ba^gee eRI^f KfR @` GRKi^e @]_^ Ke, aW_@ aKc Kge ed i\e @ceKe a^ ^Mee i`Ide AR^de @Q

\A i^ _@u c]e eYRZ Kge jAKUe IKfZ Ke[aak iai^ iMc Kge aaid KeQ

@iL \g^K M^, @ZRa^, Ra^ Ga @^^ _Ke ePdZ j\^ Kj ~, ^Re KZ _A ab^ icde @ceKe RM^[ icR, ijZ GKWc, IWg ijZ GKWc, bMaZ icZ, M\aeg ijZ ii\, C}k ijZ ii\ Ga gek ijZ bk @iL @^^ \e i^Z jAQ

Za @Mc R^ 14 ZeL \^ A@^ cUfi _aK PeUaf U (AcK) @^Kfe gek _ee _A ^c NhY_e @]K CfiZ jAQ

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