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 MjKu _A ^iKe caAf ia aai 6.25PM

IWg WU Kc : jc eCZ

afge, R^ 1 (IWg WU Kc): IWge GK NeA a\Z @a^ K^ MjKc^u ^KUZe ja iwK Ze ia ~MA \a fle a]aeVe ^R AfKe caAf ia aai _Pk^ KeQ

eRe Ce-_a a\Z @a^ K^ (^iK) _[c[e fM K~Ke Ke[a Gj @b^a aai \^eZ 24 N Kc Kea af Cq K^e cL K~ ^aj @]Ke G^ .i.\i IWg WU KcK KjQ

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K^ @]^ afge, b\K, ae_\, KSe Ga ~R_e R^ _A ic\d ^@U caAf b^ ^dRZ Ke~AQ G[e \AU fLG afge, b\K Ga ae_\e R^e eja Ga @^ Z^U KSe, ~R_e eW Ga ~R_e UC^e Kc Kea af i KjQ

_ZK R^ fM Z caAf ^e eL~AQ Ga MUG b^ _A RY fA^c^u icZ Z^ RY KcPeu ^~q \@~AQ Gj KcPec^ Z^U i`e \^eZ Kc Kea

MjKu ^R AfKe `R Kf ie ^[f K jVZ fA^ PfMf ic^ GYK ia i^K ^~A abMd caAfK RYA \f iq KcPec^ icie ic]^ fM iVe _jP ~a af @]Ke RYK KjQ

Cameras and Optics

IWg WU Kc      

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