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@Kae 30,2005 eaae


_a^, SW, ahu R^\^e fK c^ _KAf cjaZ

IWg WU Kc: @gh i^_Z

K_W, @Kae 30(IWg WU Kc) IWge C_Kka Rfe fKc^ g^ae \^ _a^, SW, ahu
R^\^ _k 1999 cij @Kae 29 ZeL gKae eRe jA[a _kdue aZe iZPeY KeQ

Gj \^K eR ieKe Ga i^d _gi^ _KZK a_~d _Z \aiba _k^ Ke KZK fK
^Re @cd R^u adMe gK _k^ Ke

Za K_W Rfe KZK Mcai ij \^ ic^u Ne R^ jA[a _a^, SW, ah, Z`^ @\
^e ^cZ _fc^u R^\^ _k^ Ke @w ^bA[a cjaZK c^_KCQ

ij gKae \^ K_W Rfe Kie Me ej[a P^ cAZu @g cAZ(23)ue _ia ~Y
@e jA[f

_ak SW CWA ^A[f ic^u Pk NeUK M fKc^u ij~e fe GK QU Ne @gd ^A
@g R^ \A[f GK K^ S@K i\^e chk]e ahe iZe S@Ue ^ eLMf "ah'

""ijek bk M Mjke fKc^ R^\^ _k^ @]Kg a_ c@u ic^u _fc^u R^\^ c^
c ^ [G''

""K Gj @ke ~C _fc^ ij _kd \^e R^ jAQ, ic^u a_c@ _fe R^\^K cf
_~ c^ eLa'' Rfe R Me zia @^ \i KjQ

g^ae ahK Q@ ah _ef R^ \^e Z _A a_ ^@ `K Ga PW @Y\AQ

""Ze R^ ak ~C fe c @gd ^A[f, MZ ah ah ij fe b jAQ'' @g KjQ

Le^g Me je_\ Meu K^ eWKie aZ @gd Ke i\^ R^ \A[f "Z`^'u

""ij icde iVe _d Z^ gj fK Rc jA[f Me @^ fKc^u ijdZe Z`^e R^
jA[f Ga a @Kge Kk a\f @if @cK be We fMQ'' je_\ KjQ

Kak ah K Z`^ ^j Rfe cjKk_W Ga eR^Me aKe i\^ _d 21RY R^ ^AQ

""KZRY Lie R^\^ _k^ Ke[aak @C KZ RYu _eaee \Le \^ ie^j'' cjKk_W
aKe Pdec^ akec _eW KjQ

cjKk_W aKe @afe Me ~Z^ cku _@ "SW' R^ ^A[f iA @bf \^e

"SW' K R^ _e cjce _fIe gKe jAQ aZe ia jeA[a ~Z^u _Le Ze PKi _A
@agK @[K ik ^j

ij aK @MZ aZNe Me iaZ ck(22) GK ai bZe R^ \A[f "_a^'u Zu c eN^^
ck Ga Me @^ 12 RY aZe el _Aa _A ij ai bZe @gd ^A[f

ieKe ijdZ _A ^ [a eN^^ ac^ i Zu _eae _A Ne UG Z@e Ke _e ^j

Q@ ah Zk eRe jA[a Gj cjaZe C_Kka RfMWKe _d 10, 000fK _Y


i_w R^

 ifIe KcR - gX - iew - K - Pf - U

 NeKeY icM
 AfKU^K - NeKeY icM - ehA icM - i^ MjY - PcW icM - N
 RZh - aj Ga iW -beZ \g^ - a C_je icM - beZK el - @ceKK el - @ceKK cV
 @^^ _e]^ - aM - If jww - ZR `f - ZR `k -KK

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 Editor in Chief: JATINDRA DASH
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