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R^de 16,2007 cwkae
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~gae iu cZK ^A aa\

IWg WU Kc i\\Z

ba^ge,R^de 16(IWg WU Kc) W@AR ~gae iju cZ _Qe eRe RY ae _fi @]Keu jZ [a Zu _eae fKu @b~M _e Gj NUYK ^A Ga aa\ \L \AQ

_ae eR ieKe Gj NUYe KAca Z\ ^g \A[a ak iju _eae ia@A Z\ _A \a KeQ

Zu _eae KAca Z\e i ^j af ~gaeu _^ _ecRZ Ke ba^gee icae i\K c^u KjQ

Za Gj Zj _Qe ae @]Keu i_q @b~MK _fi cj^gK @ce^ _^dK @Ke KeQ
Gjij _X
~gae jZ ccfe ia@A Z\ _A _Zu \a
W@AR jZ, @welu a^c_
@welu aKe b@A_ KZ ielZ?

~gaeu @welu ae]e jZ ccf
W@AR jZK: KAcaK Z\ be
cZ W@ARu ed c~\ _\^
W@AR jZ: \A \jel I WAbe @UK
\lY IWge K @_ei^ Re\e
~gae \jelu Mke _Y jeA[a ij
i\M cIa\u MkcWe W@AR ^jZ

~gaeu \A @welu a^c_w Ke~AQ Gje e_U @ia _e RY_Wa af i KjQ

~CVe ~gaeu Mk Ke~A[f iVe KYi P @\d jC^[f I Zu MW iVe @UK ^[f af Ke KjQ Zu cu cZ \NUYR^Z ^j Gj GK i_eKZ jZK af i KjQ

i^aW Me @i Ke, Zu gge I _Zc^ KAca @AR aK gcu ilZ Ke NUY i_Ke @fP^ KeQ eR ieKe ia@AK ~\ Z\ be ^\@ Za ic^ KUe @gd ^a af iju
_Z gbKcY i\K c^u KjQ

Za ~gaeu _eaee @b~M C_e ic^u ij @fP^ Kea _A eR [a cLc ^a^ _^dK i\K c^u KjQ




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Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

IWg WU Kce NhY^c