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Ki Rwfe _fi-cIa\ Mk a^cd : ^Kf ia@A @`ie ij \A ij~M Me` : a]ae eR]^e Pqa glK iNe alb : _ak R^Mjk bZe FKY e[UY @e : ig~ af A^de QZQZ @gNZe gKe : cZ @\aiu _Zu ^~q _Z _\^  : ic[Ku ij ea ReK LWM_ee @UK : akKe cZ \j cka _e Z\ Re\e :"@'e _elY @i`k : \^ \AUe e[UY @e:  b\K: ZR 16 ah Zke \w iZ :57 _ZgZu \^K c _Q @d 12Uue Kc: ec^ac _A b\K _fi QCY : _ ae]u R^ MR^ icag  : _Zk lZe bqu bW  :ek fA^e @Pj ~aZu cZ\j Ce : iWK \NUYe aRW ^Zu cZ : jeaK ^A GZ j jf @^PZ  : P_ee "@' l_Ye i`k _elY :; : iZ ah ]e KVee a ~aK Ce : @c ^Z gM _Lke Li'; KSe: UK-R_ ]Ke 15 @jZ : 25 ahe iIAGiW : ba^gee _eZq Ne Kuk Ce :; au WKdZu Va KeaK IWg _fi ajee: A^de QZ jZKe ZZd @b~q Me` : if_e Rfe KG\ `ee :; KUKe aK ij ~aK Me` : Uc A@ ^ce RZck,Kg_kK \j :: au WKdZe e_U \aK ieKeu ^g :
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Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa

For Admission into Diploma Courses in Engineering/ Technology/Beauty Culture
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Invites tenders
for procurement of tools & equipments, machineries, furnitures etc
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Delhi /NCR





Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa Invites application for Formation of Human Data Bank in the field of Technical Education
for details
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Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa,
Counseling for streamlining the process of establishment of  New  ITCs to be held from 5.2.2007 to 10.2.2007 at the auditorium of BPFTIO,BOSE Campus,Cuttack
 for details
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 IWge b\K Rfe GK KfRe KZK QZ _eag iel ae _Pe ^c iAKfe 500  KfcUe ~Ze ajeQ
IWg WU Kc' aje [e K~eZ
 IWge @^^ iAU @_l IWg WU Kc ag Cc GjK _V Kea ijRic iAW^e ejQ Ga RY au Ve 'IWg WU Kc' iKe @aMZ jA _Xf
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"IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : i]g cj^ iZ_[, iA^U-i, i`Ide AR^de, e]^Me, ~R_e, IWg @gK Kce _YMj, _Mc GKRKUb, ^@\f, _g Kce i^_Z, i`Ide AR^de, _eU ici K_ei^, UKi, ~qe @ceK,


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner:
Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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