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25 R^ Meae 2009
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P\ecu M _ae Ke_Ue cIa\u jiK

IWg WU Kc i\\Z

Ke_U, R^ 25 (IWg WU Kc) K Mjc _.P\ecu M _ae Ke_U Rfe Meae cIa\c^ GK ek MjK aeYe CWA\A[a ij Z^U caA `^ UIe Kf ecK ]i Ke\A[a RY @]Ke KjQ

cIa\ icie ic]^ _A K_e iel aai Ke~AQ i ahde icl Kea _A P\ec Meae ie Cq @kK M Kea K~Kc ejQ

cIa\c^ KKeMc Mce Z^U caA `^ UIe Kf ec UIeK bweR Kea ijZ GK MjK aeYe CWA\A[a, _fi KjQ

""cIa\c^ KKeMc Mce caAf UIeMWK Ga GK ek Mje aeY NUAQ'', Rf Gi_ \_K Kce IWg WU KcK KjQ

Meae be 5/6 RY cIa\ KKeMc ek i^K @i K~eZ [a i^ c^Re Ga @^ KcPec^u ReRae\ \eK ^A~A[a _aZU ekaA _le Kj~AQ

""Gj_e ic^ Cq ek Mje aeY NUAf Gj\e \AU aUe Mj, GK _^f aW Ga ek i^e _ieY Mje ajZ ldlZ NUQ'', _aZU ekaAe cL_Z Gc.W ij KjQ KYi ekaA @]Ke @jZ jA^[a i iP^ \AQ

""Kf ece i^ ^KUK ~M~M jA _e^j Gj _[ \A ~C[a KZK U^ \M _ea^ Ke[aak @^ KZKK aZf Ke~AQ U^ PkPk baK Kea _A ek abM @]Kec^ C\c Re eLQ'', ij KjQ

@^ GK NUYe, a]ae cIa\c^ ^edY_UYVe GK ieKe K~kd C_e @KcY Ke K~kd eKWMWK ^ Ke \AQ ic^ c\ KUe, MW Ga L\ _\[ fU ^AQ, Kce KjQ

^KUe K ieKe i_@A cIa\K ^h Ke Gj iwV^K @Zua\ ba NhY Kea _Za\e cIa\c^ Gj @KcY NUA[a, eR _fi @]Kec^ KjQ


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Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

IWg WU Kce NhY^c