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Kh C_e ieKeu ia]K MeZ: Wqe eCZ(ilZKe)
cLc G[e Kh ijZ icad Ga c I _g i_\ aKg abMK MUG cYkd @]^e eLQ G Z^U ~K abM Kh i_KZ Cg jCQ Gj lZK ia]K MeZ _\^ Ke ~R^a aKge ]e @e Kea, KjQ IWg WU Kc ij GK Z ilZKee Kh, icad Ga c I _g i_\ aKg abM c Wqe \c\e eCZ
caAfe IWge ZR Lae _@ cMYe
RY aq Gj ia] _AaK 567678 ^eK AeRe
JOIN Odisha fL GK GiGcGi _VAaK _Wa ~KYi icde i _Y 'fb IWg' ciR Cq ^eK _VA LEAVE Odisha Gj ibie ^RK a\ Ke _e
MQK bf _C[a ^@e cYh ^eKe
47 ah ad ^eKe 1992 cije G_~ Zu M Ga Gje @L_L @ke _d \g jRe MQ fMA iefY


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  "IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : @gK Kce _^dK, Ia WRA^e, KU aga\kd, ba^ge,  _\ Kce e[, KUe _`i^f, RMZij_e, _eg ^dK, UKKf gf-aii, Kde A@, ^@\f, a_^ Kce eCZ,WUWi @`i, MeMI, je@Y, geZ P ij, ~R_eeW, ~R_e,  

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Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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