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7 RfA cwkae 2009
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RKRcKe IWg iiAU @` @ceK @]ag^ i^

IWg WU Kc : ]e Ke

^Ri, RfA 7 (IWg WU Kc) @ceKe ^RiVe IWg iiAU @` @ceK(IGi)e 40 Zc @]ag^ @^Z jA~AQ

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@ceKe ^Re iZ Ga Gje ag c]e KQ icd _A jR~aK Ce @ceKe jRe jRe IW@ Gj @]ag^e ~M \A[f

Gj @]ag^ @aiee ic^e, @fP^ PK, Kcgk, Mf Uaf ik^ I iZK K~Kc @\ @dR^ Ke~A[f

IWge _[c cjk Gbe @ejYKe K^ \iu icZ aj c^MY aq GVK ^cZ jA[f eR_k R^ KeR^u cL @Z[ ba @cY Ke~A[f

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""c _ae G_e GK @]ag^e ~M \A^[f @dRKc^u _ak Azgq I @Z[ ia @]ag^K @je @KhYd Ke[f'', m^ _^dK KjQ

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WKe Cc afb cg Gj @]ag^e @ajK [f ^Ri I ^dK P_e _le Gj @]ag^ @dR^ Ke~A[f

IGiG jCQ Ce @ceKe ej[a IW@c^ue GK @Y fbKe iwV^ _Zah Cq icde IGiG @]ag^ @^Z jG IW@c^u GKV Ke IWg iZ I _eeK C_bM Kea _A Gj GK _di


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner: JATINDRA DASH
 Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

IWg WU Kce NhY^c