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_e akbce cZ Wf`^ Ce : aWIu Me` _Za\e IGGi iNe KfcQW @k^ : @V ahe cf^dc cUK _el \A _ea: jAKU : cZ @\aiu KU jZ __f `eMf : gcee bM ^K icfP^ : f_Ku ij~ KeaK Pj(PV _Z) : @\gK NeA A^de KfR iNe ae] : iceK @\fZe \Z ~a^u _Z KU ~a : _GPGf jK Uce "IWg fi' P@^ : 21e eR a]^ibe aRU @]ag^ : RGcGc _le @R cdeb a : ^hke cQ ce 14 ]ae Me` : cwkae Kkw^Me e @ae] CV_e : cfaj U^e @MK : afNUK ^A MMk: 20 @jZ, 8 Me` : IWg ice eW @fU : PkKaj^ ac^ fle i`k _elY : ^fKe WAeKe `A^^ ba aMu \dZ MjY : eRa_ aR Rd _kZ : KGZ _e ceiiK cif _VAa IWg K^ : a\g ~A[a gg i\Ku _A \e\ a]K : cIa\u Kake KcPeu cq fM Uu \@~AQ ! : _ @k Kcg @]K @g : aRUe ^@_W-MY_e ek_[K jk ~M @ih : @A@AU @^fA^ _Ui^K aj aRau ic[^ : _gi^K C\i^Ze R^i_K gae a`k : aWIu bU je`e: _[u @^g^ PZa^ : [^ @]Keu MkcWe ~a^ @jZ : eRa_ ewe Lk jf _kZ :~a^ cW NUYe @AR ed Z\ ^g : _ @ke @[K @ae], Ra^ \aij : _ ae]u ce `U : gle _j^ _A "cjk aKg'e C\c : Sea aK @lu _Zu jZ  : am^Ke _ ^A KU^K ^g Ke[a ~a KkKe : _[u ic[^ ^A MMk, 2 Me`: @c ehA Ne "ieh cQ' : ~a^u @ZPe ae]e fKu @k^ PZa^ : \Zd \^e a _gi^-@\ai @fP^ jf^ : iceK @\fZe IW@ ~a^u cZ\ : \ @_e] Ne 21U aK RaZ : _fi Mke 3 cIa\ cZ : aieKe A^de KfRe @Wci^ ieKeu ^dYe : \fe if ~M IW@ c @[K iKUe : gcee \A\^ jf @bW ^j: bq ^eg : \NUYe \A cZ, fKu bweR, i@A @jZ : \k _A j-cifcu ckZ _Z : "IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke

Sign online petition here for IIT in Orissa


cy 6,2007 cwkae
ZR Lae                     @c am_^\Z            `fi_          
_e akbce cZ Wf`^ Ce
aWIu Me` _Za\e IGGi iNe KfcQW @k^
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OMFED invites tenders from eligible contractors/suppliers for various works in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi and Khurda
for details
  Click here


India Business Directory




Delhi /NCR





Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa Invites application for Formation of Human Data Bank in the field of Technical Education
for details
Click here

Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Orissa,
Counseling for streamlining the process of establishment of  New  ITCs to be held from 5.2.2007 to 10.2.2007 at the auditorium of BPFTIO,BOSE Campus,Cuttack
 for details
Click here

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Desktop on Fire

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"IWge a'e ^c _KZ Ke ^@ a : @gK Kce _YMj, _Mc GKRKUb, ^@\f, _g Kce i^_Z, i`Ide AR^de, _eU ici K_ei^, UKi, ~qe @ceK,


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Copy right 2004-2009, All rights reserved
Publisher & Owner:
Jatindra Dash
Editor: Prasanta Patnaik

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